Meet Shelli Mango
How long have you been in the business?
I have been an asset owner and landlord since 2014 and folded my commercial real estate license into my world in 2019.
What is/are your specialty/specialties?
I specialize in the retail and office sector leasing as well as asset acquisition and sales.
What do you think sets you apart from other agents here in the Denver Metro?
As a long time business entrepreneur, I bring an intense background in follow up and customer service skills, I interact with my clients on a very timely basis, am extremely personable and have a “knack” for befriending my clients. Helping people drives me.
What’s the biggest challenge your clients face in this current market?
The biggest challenge right now for my clients is the lack of inventory for smaller footprint office spaces and second gen restaurants to lease in suburban markets.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I am obsessed with spending time with my family and my dogs, I enjoy college football, do it yourself projects and take pride in having an extremely organized home and office space. I love a list to follow, feel satisfied crossing off to do items and love both of my label makers!